Friday, July 20, 2018

Simply Watercolor, more day 1, begin day 2

I've realized that there is absolutely no way I will keep up with this class. The good news is, I don't have to!  The bad news is - if I fall too far behind, (which I already have), I will move on to something else and it will be difficult for me to go back and finish. But I'll try not to let that happen!

This first picture is of two lessons from Day 1. As you can see, I still need a LOT of practice! I think my biggest problem is knowing how much water to use - to paint smoothly, and to get a good blend.

This one is also from Day 1, presented by Julie Ebersole. Yep - still looks like a child's painting! Haha!

Today I started Day 2 - Simple Critters and Animals. I attempted to freehand sketch this one, as Kristina teaches, and don't think that went too badly. The painting wasn't horrible either. But it looked a lot better to me, before I attempted to outline the images in black. I definitely need to slow down and take my time a bit more.

I'm hoping to have some time to do more lessons before I leave for Junkie Fest next week, but we'll see!